Gichin Funakoshi was born on November 10, 1868 in the Yamakawa district of Shuri, Okinawa,he
was taught by Yasutsune Azato, and Yasutsune Itosu as taught to them by one of the greatest Okinawan Martial Artist Sokon
Matsumura who himself a disciple of Kanga Sakugawa and the three Chinese Military attaches, Wai Shin Zan, Ason, and Iwan.
Master Funakoshi taught only one method, a total disipline, which represented a synthesis of Okinawan Karate styles. This
method became known as Shotokan Some of the earlier writings of Funakoshi were: Rentan
Goshin To-de (physical fitness self-defense china hand). Ryukyu Kempo To-de Okinawan fist method China hand.) and a few more.
To note this that Gichin Funakoshi did not name his teachings as Shotokan this was later named, he taught the system just
as it was taught to him by his teachers.